“I’ll never forget my first poem. I’ll never forget my diamond in the sunlight moment. I didn’t think I would cry so hard. I didn’t think it would be that easy to shrug the world off my shoulders.”
Cassidy Martin, Southern Word Youth Poet
Through words, all youth can claim the power and hope to determine their future.
Cassidy Martin, Southern Word Youth Poet
Founded in 2008 based on successful spoken word youth development and education strategies; educators, youth development professionals, writers, and poets built Southern Word from the ground up without substantial institutional or investor backing at the start. We have grown to be a national, non-profit leader in the spoken word education field, serving more than 6,500 youth, 40 schools, and 8 Tennessee counties each year.
Due to our passion for helping youth develop their voices and map their own futures, we have extended programming into music production and writing of all genres. In a culture which aggressively markets products and lifestyles to youth, Southern Word equips youth with the tools to transition from passive consumers into active thinkers, creators, and projectors of their own positive identity.
From guiding and hearing the stories of tens of thousands of youth, Southern Word understands our society’s shortcomings as they relate to youth engagement, literacy, diversity, and mental health. We are responding effectively to some of our most entrenched educational and youth development challenges.
Please be in touch if you want to join our efforts.
Through the literary and performing arts, Southern Word offers creative solutions for youth to build literacy and presentation skills, reconnect to their education and lives, and act as leaders in the improvement of their communities. We are committed to providing youth, especially in under-served communities, with as many opportunities as possible to develop and publicly present their voices both live and in print, video, audio and digital media.
Southern Word is believed to be the largest spoken word youth development and education organization in the Southeast.
Southern Word was selected as 1 of 16 organizations to serve on a national spoken word leadership cohort through Brave New Voices.
An independent assessment conducted by Vanderbilt University in collaboration with Metro Nashville public schools assessed Southern Word’s high school residency program. The assessment included pre- and post- test, teacher focus groups, student focus groups, and classroom observation. The study found:
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Joel Alex
Family & Children's Service
Case Bloom
Tucker & Bloom
Henry Cervantes-Cruz
Stratford STEM Magnet
Monserrat Escobar Arteaga
Vanderbilt University
Amanda Dardy
Metro Nashville Public Schools
Kia Goodwin
Community Volunteer
Dr. Sheena Hanserd
Tennessee Department of Corrections
Liza Kawaller
Poet, Chair
Dr. Michelle Pinkard
Tennessee State University, Treasurer
Tim Schwarz
Tennessee Public Utility Commission
Ashley Thurman
Alita Gay
Writer Mentor, Program Manager
Kalin Hendricks
Writers' Room Coordinator
Amber McCullough
Director of Marketing and Communications
Taria Person
Write with Pride Coordinator
Rashad Rayford
Writer Mentor
Tia Smedley
Writer Mentor - Writer Coach
Benjamin Smith
Writer Mentor, Executive Director
Zac Vaughn
Music Production Mentor
Shawn Whitsell
Writer Mentor - Writer Liaison
Tayo Atanda
Kaila Gilbert
Alex Griffin
Lonnell Matthews
Dr. Angela McShepard-Ray
Kent Oliver
LaVoe Mulgrew
Molly Pratt
Emy Sanderson
Jim Shulman
Julie Simone
Dr. Janet Walsh
Tom Ward
Amie Whittemore
Anderson Williams
Idella Woodard
Nichole Young
Manuel Zeitlin
Southern Word's programs and events are made possible through the generous support of foundations, businesses, schools, and individuals including these main supporters.
See our full list of supporters or discover how you can make a difference.